Arowana fish are a small tribe of primitive freshwater fish that are still found today. Although it is a predator like its close relative, Arapaima gigas, this fish is a very popular fish and is also very much sought after because of its beautiful color and shape. The high market interest and demand has caused the price of arowana to skyrocket along with its existence in endangered nature. Nevertheless, the trade in arowana fish is still legally allowed even though its protection status has been included in Appendix I of CITES provided that the arowana traded is the result of captivity. The price range of arowana is around hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of rupiah depending on the type. Arowana fish price list


Here are the types of arowana that have a high selling value:


1. Super Red Arowana

This fish comes from various places in West Kalimantan Province, such as from the Kapuas River and Lake Sentarum which is known as the habitat of the Super Red (Chile and Blood Red). Full red color visible on the fins of young fish, on the lips and also the barbels. Towards adulthood, red color will appear on various other body parts, especially on the gill cover and the edges of the scales, so that the fish's body looks red. Red Arowana fish are grouped into 4 varieties, namely Red Blood (Blood Red), Red Chili (Chili Red), Red Orange (Orange Red), and Red Gold (Golden Red). These four varieties are generally given the nickname Super Red or First Grade Red, although in its development super red refers to Chili Red and Blood Red. While the last two varieties are more often considered as super red with a lower grade.




 2. Arowana Golden (Cross Back, Cross Back Golden, CBG)

The cross back variety of Golden Arowana fish is part of the Golden Arowana variety. This variety is found in various places in Malaysia, such as Perak, Trengganu, Danau Bukit Merah and Johor. Therefore, they are often given nicknames according to their place of origin, such as Golden Pahang, Bukit Merah Blue or Malaysia Gold. Referred to as arowana cross back, because this variety when mature has a full gold color to pass through the back. This variety is relatively more expensive and even the highest compared to others because it is rarely found. CBG Arowana fish are divided into several classes based on the basic color of the scales, namely Purple-Based (purple base color), Blue-Based (blue base color), Gold Based (gold base color), and Silver-Based (silver base color). Arowana Gold with a gold base color is known to reach full color at a younger age than other varieties.




3. Arowana Golden Red (Red Tail Golden, RTG)

This arowana fish is a variety of the Golden Arowana and is often referred to as the Indonesian Golden Arowana (Indonesian Golden Arowana). This variety is found in the Mahato area, Riau. Unlike the Cross Back Golden (CBG), the gold color in this variety will not develop past the back but will only reach the fourth row of scales (scale rows are counted from the bottom, belly), or better, can reach the fifth row. As with the crossback variety, the base color of the RTG scales can be blue, green, or gold. Likewise, the color of the lips, tail, and fins, these two varieties have very similar appearances. Young RTG has a duller color than the young cross back variety. RTG can be said to be more resilient than CBG can grow bigger, and also more aggressive. It is relatively abundant in nature compared to CBG, although it is still a CITES protected variety. CBG at first glance is similar to the Golden red arowana fish originating from our country. A very striking difference can be seen if the size of the fish is rather large with a size of more than 20 cm. In CBG gold color covers the entire body to the back of the fish is covered by a golden ring. While in Golden red (RTG) the back is not. golden but still black (grey). Distinguishing CBG and RTG on a small size (10-12 cm) is difficult and requires caution. The difference in price is also very striking. The price of CBG size 12 cm is valued at more than 10 million, the size 20-25 cm ranges from 15-25 million. Golden red measuring 12 cm is valued at 2 million, while the size 20-25 cm is valued at 2.5-3.5 million.



4. Green Arowana (Green Arowana / Golden Piano)

Green arowana is found in Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Comboja, and also in several places in Indonesia. Variations in appearance and color can be found in each region. However, in general it can be said that it is generally greenish-gray in color with a pattern of dark stripes on the tail. The head and mouth are larger and more rounded than other Asian arowana species.



5. Arowana Banjar